Thursday, August 22, 2019

What Is The Best Upright Piano For Beginners?

It is not an easy task and, therefore, we will help you every step of the way. We will do this in three different ways. We will present three outstanding pianos from which you can choose, link them to video clips so you can learn more about them and answer the most common questions that piano buyers have. We have seen many different pianos and instruments chosen in different price ranges, so our list really contains something for everyone, from the beginner to the most advanced player. We have included the best digital piano for beginners and acoustic pianos, so no matter what type of piano you are looking for, we have it covered!

1. Yamaha Arius YDP162R

The first digital piano on our list is Yamaha's Arius YDP 162, which is a very nice vertical piano with hammer-graded action. This means that when you play a piano key, it feels like playing a normal acoustic piano, and the louder you play, the louder it sounds and vice versa.

The keys have synthetic ivory that makes them less slippery and gives you a good grip to make it easier to play. The surface also absorbs moisture from the fingers, as Yamaha calls it, or the sweat of the hands, as ordinary people would say, so if that is something that suffers, this could save your life!

The player's piano is tall enough to look like a vertical piano. It has a built-in 2-track song recorder so you can practice one hand at a time but still make it sound good, or so you can record when you compose something.

2. The ONE Smart Piano

Is playing the piano a dream of your life that feels too far away? Maybe I wish I had taken lessons when I was younger and felt that it is too late to start taking lessons as an adult. One could be the one for you! It is an intelligent piano that teaches you to play! Connect it via USB to your tablet or smartphone and get access to an application that has scored for more than 4000 different songs!

But how does that help you if you still don't play the piano or don't read music? The piano will help you! There are different learning modes and games in the application so you can learn new pieces at your own pace, and there are blue LED lights that show you which piano key to play next. There are also more than 100 videos and tutorials so you can get that lesson experience for much less money!

Scores for a single song can sometimes cost more than $ 10, so if you think about it, this is an incredible offer! And individual classes with a piano teacher are also expensive.

3. Casio Privia PX-160

The following is another digital piano, Casio Privia PX-160. This is a piano that is very basic. It is thin and easy to use, and if you really want an acoustic piano, but due to the lack of space you need to find a digital one, this is a good alternative. It is light and easy to move in your apartment or to carry when you move or have a concert somewhere.

It has 18 different sounds so you can vary your music a bit and it has very good speakers.

This piano is available in black, but also in champagne, which is a golden color that looks luxurious and unique, really something to show off to your guests! If you like to record and compose, this piano can be easily connected to a tablet or computer via USB MIDI.

This piano comes with a 3-year manufacturer's warranty, which we believe shows Casio's confidence that it will be a high-quality instrument. It includes a power supply, a sustain pedal and a musical break, but unless you buy a package, you will have to buy the piano stand and stool separately.


The best thing about this piano is the sound it can make. Capture the sound of a 9-foot concert piano, which is amazing for a digital piano. The piano has three pedals and is a very good substitute for an acoustic piano. It even has a lid that you can lift if you want a louder and fuller sound, like a real piano!

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