Saturday, October 5, 2019

What is The Edge in Climbing?

Do you want to climb more difficult trails? Address new problems with bouldering? Well, you need to know how to handle the lower part of your body, especially how to make edges. If you can place your feet correctly, your arms will have less weight and finding the right position for your feet is half the battle. But what is the edge? This happens when you place the side of the foot, either from the big toe down or from the little finger, to a level of narrow rock that is often not shorter than a toe. Mount is a great tool for any climber or boulderer. It not only helps you send more difficult routes but also saves energy on long climbs. Keep reading to learn. I have also added some really useful videos to get you started. We thank the guys who made them! Check here more

Becoming an efficient climber or boulderer means that you know how to place your feet. This not only means putting them in silence and silence but also knowing how to handle small kicks. Most beginners do not know how to use their feet efficiently and trust them. This is usually shown when testing tracks with a lot of footwork. This is a lack of confidence and confidence in one's feet. Train and take your time, and you will be extremely safe on your feet, relying on climbing shoes and kicks. Then you will also be balanced and elegant.

What are the edges exactly?

The assembly is a kind of position of the foot when climbing. It is called edge formation because it places the feet on small, narrow rock edges that are often thinner than 3 fingers.
You will usually need an edge when trying to put your feet on one foot that is too small for the entire foot. Basically, you have two options here: opt for the toe, which is usually the area around the big toe, or use the edge technique.

In some scenarios, the big toe makes more sense, usually for pockets and corners. However, if the step is narrow and stretched, like a ladder, an edge can be very valuable. Especially if you work in a rotated position. You can use the inner edge or the outer edge of your shoe. The inside means that your big toe provides stability in small handles, which is preferable to the outer edge. However, the inner edge may be pointing in the wrong direction, depending on where you want to move next. Then use the outer edge.

How can you really skirt?

As I said before, in most cases you want to use your inner edge. As the big toe is there, it is stronger and more stable. Thanks to the excellent grip on the soles of climbing shoes, you can put a lot of pressure on your feet, even if the edge is small. This makes the inner edge perfect when it rises vertically, prepares for the next movement and stabilizes after grabbing a new grip.

It is better to use the outer edge if you want to cross a route. Being weaker in nature means that you can't really use it to stabilize or improve your position for vertical movement. The outer edges generally consist of small and fast steps.

Both types of edges require a lot of force on the feet and ankles to keep the heels under tension in the air. Otherwise, not enough pressure is applied to the small part of the foot that actually rests on the edge. You also need a balance to position yourself perfectly. All these skills require constant work to be learned.

Things to consider when cutting

Keep the following notes on leg work when folding:

You should always keep your feet just below the inertia of your body, which is usually under your core. If you can, try to find kicks that are placed directly below you, even if they are not as large as another kick to your right or left. This way, you can keep your balance much easier, and a better balance means you have to spend less energy to stay. Remember that lack of balance in climbing is usually counteracted by exerting more force on the arms than you need to hold. Do a pushup if you don't believe me. If you can't keep your balance, your arms and resistance will suffer.


Once you put your feet on the edge, leave them there. If you have not positioned them completely, you have a good chance of saving more energy by not playing in the position, as if you were slightly improving the positioning. Exercise to learn correctly and place your feet on the first attempt.

What is The Edge in Climbing?

Do you want to climb more difficult trails? Address new problems with bouldering? Well, you need to know how to handle the lower part of y...